Thursday, December 21, 2006

Hmmm ...

From Justin Taylor: Something for all of us in the blogosphere to think about.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Happy Christmas and New Year

Headin' home tomorrow. Blogging will be sporadic until after the holidays. 2007 is the year of writing. So please keep coming back!


Here are a few new blogs of interest.

  • Helm's Deep - no not that Helm's Deep. This blog is devoted to the writings of Paul Helm. Papers, articles, and chapters that have been accepted for publication but not yet published will be posted on this site, although without scholarly apparatus. Helm also occassionally blogs at Reformata Semper Reformanda and is a guest writer for reformation21.

Monday, December 18, 2006

How well do you know your Latin and Dutch?

The good people who brought you Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics are looking for a Reformed scholar to translate Latin and Dutch.

Ligon Duncan at reformation21 states,

Joel Beeke recently wrote to me about the following. He said: "The Dutch Reformed Translation Society is seriously contemplating translating Petrus van Mastricht's 4-volume magisteral work of systematic theology and ethics, Theologia theoretico-practica ["Theoretical and Practical Theology"]--a work that Jonathan Edwards called the most important book ever written beside the Bible. The problem faced by the committee is that it was originally written in Latin, then translated into Dutch. The Board approved advertising in select journals for someone who knows well Latin, Dutch, English, and eighteenth-century Reformed theology.

Click here for more information.


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