Puritans around the web
Ken Baker, the Academic Dean at Wisdom Christian College (University of Wales) in London, has a brief, informative post on puritans and the theatre
An online sermon (audio) by Kevin Swanson (Reformation Church, OPC) called "The Puritans and Why People Hate Them So Much"
The basic historical premise of this article by Tina Dupuy is correct, but that's about all I can say for it (personally speaking): "The Puritans Were Not the Founding Fathers"
A laudatory and informative post on the puritans by accountant Stephen Ley, of West Palm Beach, Florida
A post on puritan women in New England by Maggie
And one on the economic motives of the New England puritans by David Voelker, Assistant Professor of Humanistic Studies and History at the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay
And one on the economic motives of the New England puritans by David Voelker, Assistant Professor of Humanistic Studies and History at the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay