Friday, July 6, 2007

Another memorial...

Sorry, brother. I just could not resist getting in on this one.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Friday Fun: Ponder your legacy ...

... with the 'Tombstone Generator' (HT: Eric 'Gunny' Hartman).

How will your friends and family remember you? Sample as many epitaphs as you like with this online gizmo, designed by a guy called J. J. Chandler.

In the meantime ...
"Remember that all mankind are mortal, and you are to go no other way than all that ever came into the world have gone before you (except Enoch and Elias).

Yea, the poor brute creatures must die at your pleasure, to satisfy your hunger or delight. Beasts, and birds, and fishes, even many to make one meal, must die for you.

And why then should you shrink at the entrance of such a trodden path, which leads you not to hell, as it does the wicked, nor merely to corruption, as it does the brutes: but to live in joy with Christ and his church triumphant?"
Richard Baxter, "Directions for a Peaceful Death"

I hope my Conventicle colleagues aren't offended by these macabre memorials:

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Christ the Desire of All Nations

"And the desire of all nations shall come."
Haggai 2:7

hen God opens the eyes of men to see their sin and danger by it, nothing but Christ can give them satisfaction: it is not the amenity, fertility, riches and pleasures, the inhabitants of any kingdom of the world do enjoy, that can satisfy the desires of their souls: when once God touches their hearts with the sense of sin and misery, then Christ, and no one but Christ, is desirable and necessary in the eyes of such persons.

Many kingdoms of the world abound with riches and pleasures; the providence of God has carved liberal portions of the good things of this life to many of them, and scarcely left any thing lacking to their desires that the world can afford. Yet all this can give no satisfaction without Jesus Christ, the desire of all nations, the one thing necessary, when once they come to see the necessity and excellency of him. When this happens, give them whatever you wish of the world, nevertheless they must have Christ, the desire of their souls."

John Flavel, sermon, "Christ the Desire of All Nations"

The worship leader is Kari Jobe. "Revelation Song" can be found on her self-titled album or on the Christ for the Nations release, Glorious.


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