Thursday, February 2, 2006

International Postgraduate Theological Symposium

Members of The Conventicle are welcomed to contribute short papers at the International Postgraduate Theological Symposium 2006.

It will take place on May 4-5, 2006, at the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague, Czech Republic. This symposium is an exciting opportunity for doctoral students and young professionals located in western and eastern Europe, pursuing subjects in different theological disciplines, to meet with the expressed aim of communicating and exchanging research ideas. The symposium’s interdisciplinary, interdenominational and international ethos exposes each candidate to a wide range of theological positions, academic subjects and personal experiences which will benefit your current academic pursuits.

Participants at this symposium contribute a paper, usually from a current research project. Such research projects may be a summary of a chapter from your doctoral thesis, a short draft from a book chapter that you are working on, or a publication paper. The presentation of your work should not exceed thirty minutes, and it must be made in English. A time to feedback follows each talk. Please drop me a mail for more information.

I presented a paper at last year's conference as a platform for putting down my research material in a coherent form. That paper turned out to be the core of my introductory chapter. Why not take up the challenge and catch more of Europe at the same time?

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