Monday, June 16, 2008

New Book on Puritan Piety

Reformation Heritage Books has just published a new book by J. Stephen Yuille, entitled, "Trading and Thriving in Godliness: the Piety of George Swinnock".

The book description reads:

George Swinnock (1627–1673) was a gifted English Puritan, known for his vivid illustrations of biblical truth. In “Trading and Thriving in Godliness”, J. Stephen Yuille highlights Swinnock’s conviction that godliness is the primary employment of every Christian. Yuille’s introductory essay analyzes the influences on, groundwork for, and expressions of piety in Swinnock’s life and thought. The book also contains fifty selections from Swinnock’s writings, exemplify his teaching on the foundation, door, value, pursuit, nature, means, and motives to godliness.

It can be purchased here.

God willing, the Conventicle will be hosting an interview with Dr Yuille on his book sometime this month. Stay tuned!
*we're grateful to Jay Collier of RHB for notifying us of the book and for linking us up with Dr Yuille


John said...

I've not heard of him. Thanks for pointing out a "new" Puritan.

Anonymous said...

Could you explain your blog's name and significance? I've never heard of the word "Conventicle". Thank you! ~Bud

Chris said...

The word conventicle was used by church authorities to refer to a small and usually unauthorized religious meeting organized by those whose beliefs and methods were at odds with the state church, to some degree. Many such meetings took place among those who were first called puritans during the reign of Elizabeth I, and the term was used later, during the late 17th century -- see here:

Since the blog started as a small group of folks with an interest in the puritans, we thought it would be appropriate.

Thanks for asking!


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