Friday, June 2, 2006

Christ in You, the Hope of Glory

“The main sum and substance of Christianity then is, that Christ be revealed in us, and not only to us…All, then, that God works upon you savingly, from first to last, is a discovery of Christ, some way or other, in you. It is either the knowledge of his person, or it is a conformity to him, or it is dispositions suited to what you know of him; workings upon us, and operations of God upon us suitable to what is in him; and this I call the sum and substance of our religion.”

Thomas Goodwin, A Discourse on the Glory of the Gospel in The Works of Thomas Goodwin, 4.345-346.

1 comment:

C G said...


Goodwin really is genius! Thanks for reminding us of this quote. We need more work on him.


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