Thursday, May 10, 2007

"Beating a Path to Heaven": New Website on English Puritan Meditation

Recently, I was introduced to this excellent new website on English Puritan Meditation. Here's an overview:

In seventeenth century England, Puritan works on practical divinity were increasing in availability, especially during the middle to later parts of the century. During this time, certain ministers began to write manuals to instruct believers about the importance of the Christian discipline of meditation. Other ministers preached sermons on the subject which were later collected into published works.

Understanding Puritan Meditation examines and analyzes Puritan texts on meditation and then suggests five aspects of Puritan meditation as being central to the collective Puritan theology and practice of this discipline.


Chris Ross said...

What an awesome resource! I had the privilege of corresponding with Ms. Gant a few months ago while she was working on her thesis. I highly recommend her site, not only for its user-friendliness and elegance, but for the sorely-needed content it communicates. Thanks for your work, Amy. And thanks for the post, JT!

Anonymous said...

Greetings and thanks for the mention of my site on your blog! I hope it will be of use to many. -Amy Gant


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