Monday, February 18, 2008

William Perkins and a 'Case of Conscience'

One of William Perkins' well known works is:

A case of conscience the greatest that ever was, how a man may know, whether he be the son of God or no. Resolved by the Word of God (I am citing the 1592 edition; Available on Early English Books Online, from your local academic library.)

It is an interesting little work. The 1592 edition is joined to a treatise by Hieronymus Zanchius (Zanchi) which also addresses the ultimate 'case of conscience': the assurance of calling and election.

In the beginning of the work, Perkins presents this case of conscience in the form of a dialogue between 'The Church' and 'John' (the text from I John). The Church asks John a series of questions and the answers emerge from the text. He follows this dialogue with a similar conversation between 'David' and 'Iehova' (from the text of Psalm 15).

Perkins wanted readers to 'Use this labour of mine for thy benefit and comfort: and the Lord increase the number of them which may rejoice, that their names are written in heaven'.

I include just Perkins' treatment of I John 1:


CHAP. 1.

Manie among us denie the God-head, & many the Manhood of Christ.

1. That which was from the beginning (and therefore true God,) which wee have hearde (namelie, speaking,) which wee haue seen with these our eyes, which we have looked upon, and these hands of ours, have handled of that Word (not the sounding, but the essentiall word of the Father,) of life. (living of himselfe, and giving life to all other.)

Before you goe any further, this word of life is invisible: how then could it be seene?

(Yes) 2. For that life was made manifest, (to wit, in the flesh,) and we (I with many others) haue seen it, and beare witnesse, and publish vnto you, that eternall life, which was with the father (eternallie before this manifestation) and was made manifest vnto vs.

Menander, Ebion, and Cerinthus, hauing bin teachers among vs, confidently denie these thinges which you say: and they beare vs in hand, that they seek our good.

3. That (which I wil repeat again, for more certainties sake) which wee haue seen and heard, declare we vnto you, that ye may haue fellowship with vs, and that our fellowship also may be with the father, and with his sonne Iesus Christ.
4. And these things write we vnto you, that your ioy might be ful. (vz. might haue sound consolation in your consciences.)

Wel then, lay vs down som grou~d, wherby we may come to be assured, that we haue fellowship one with an other, and with Christ.

5. This then is the message which we haue heard of him, and declare vnto you, that God is light (vz. purenes it selfe, and blessednesse; whereas men and Angels are neither, but by participation) and in him is no darknes.

Some that make profession among us, continue still in their olde course and conuersation; and yet they say, they have fellowship with God.

6. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk (lead the course of our liues)
in darknes (vz. ignorance, error, impietie,) wee lie (dissemble) and do not trulie. (deal not sincerely.)

What then is the true marke of one, which hath fellowship with God?

7. If we walk in the light (lead the cours of our lives in sinceritie of life & doctrin) wee have fellowship one with another.

We are so defiled with sinne, that we often doubt, least wee have no fellowship with God.

The blood of Iesus Christ his sonne, cleanseth us from all sinne.

Some among us are come to that passe, that they say, they have no sinne: & that this estate is a signe of fellowshippe with God.

8. If we say that we have no sinne, we deceive our selves, (imagining that to bee true which is otherwise) & truth is not in us

How then may we know that our sinnes are washed away by Christ?

9. If we confesse our sinnes (namely, with an humbled heart, desiring pardon) he is faithfull & just (in keping his promise) to forgive us our sinnes, and to clense us from all unrighteousnes.
10. If we say (as they before named do) we have not sinned, we make him a liar (whose word speaks the contrarie,) and his worde is not in vs. (his doctrine hath no place in our hearts).

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